Thursday, February 24, 2011

Resource Thursday - February 24, 2011

Thursday on the Hope Cottage blog is Resource Thursday, where Dallas' oldest nonprofit, nonsectarian adoption agency, shares resources for parents and adoption advocates.  If you have suggestions for resources to share, e-mail Chief Development Officer, Leslie Clay at

The Casey Foundation Knowledge Center offers several resources concerning adoption that are either funded or published by the Casey Foundation. 

Dr Olson Huff and his team of experts provide you with up to date information about your child’s health at Sixty Second Parent.  Here is information on Sensory Processing Disorder

Sue Adair addresses the importance of small talk with your child on The Goddard School for Early Childhood Development website. 

North Texas Kids goes digital.  Check out the announcement on You Tube.  North Texas Kids is a great publication and I have known publisher Dr. Minette Riordan for several years.  Thumbs up to a great resource for parents in North Texas.

Read this article from the Dallas Morning News about how food choices can affect the effectiveness of an antibiotic.

Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.

If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.

If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Favorite Childhood Books

Early Hope Baby Reader

A couple of weeks ago, Hope Cottage asked its Facebook Fans to share with us their favorite children's books.  Here is what they had to say:

Jennifer:   Oh where do I begin! I have so many favorite books. I bought a TON of books before we ever even had our sweetie home. We read everday. She doesn't have a favorite yet...but I'm sure she'll have many. I love anything by Eric Carle, Love You Forever by Robert Munsch, all of the Little Miss Spider books, The Tale of the Three Trees. I could go on and on, but I'll stop!

Jessica I:  Mine was "I'll love you forever". But I bought one the other day called "why was I adopted" by Carole Livingston that made me wish I had read it when I was little :)

Jessica S. ‎"Guess How Much I Love You".....beautiful and touching or "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein

Robert T.:  "Winnie the Pooh" as a child. This past weekend I found my Winnie the Pooh story calendar 1974 which brought back a lot of those Pooh memories. My newest discovery and find is a book called "Zen Shorts". Too many wonderful children's books, too little time!

Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.

If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.

If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Picture Tuesday - Come on In!

Every Tuesday we feature pictures from Hope Cottage, Dallas' oldest nonprofit, nonsectarian adoption agency.  Last week we featured pictures from the "front porch".  This week we want to welcome you inside Hope Cottage and see what life was like in the early days!

An early nursery at Hope Cottage.  Twenty four hour nursing staff looked
after their precious charges.

One of the original cribs from Hope Cottage used for
newborns.  It is about the size of  today's
NICU unit.

One nice thing about being, according to historical records, the only adoption agency in Dallas at the time, we got a great deal of press.  Below is a photo from the Dallas World newspaper.  Unfortunately, the scrapbook in which these old clippings were mounted, seems to have suffered a bit of damage.  From what I can tell, this picture ran during the early 1920's.  Note the sidebar "Christmas is Not Christmas Without Children in the Home." 

The article below ran November 21, 1921.  The headline reads "Hope Cottage Only Salvation of Homeless Waifs".  Forty nine babies lived at Hope Cottage and times were dire.  County Comissioners thought $30 a month per baby for milk was too much to spend!  The County actually spent more to save hogs and cotton than it would spend on milk for the babies of Hope Cottage. 

1921 seems to have been a very good year, publicity wise for Hope Cottage and it needed to be.  The actual Hope Cottage was over crowded, leaky with torn screens, little heat and was situated next to a horse farm (think manure, flies, Dallas in AUGUST?).  All the publicity brought to light the fact that Hope Cottage needed a new home and fast!  By 1922 thanks to generous donors, we were living in what was to be our home for the next fifty years, but that is another story for another time.

Hope Cottage is the oldest non profit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas.  Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building strong families through education, counseling and adoption services.  

If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.

If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.

Friday, February 18, 2011

We're Ready for Our Close-ups, Mr. deMille

Leslie O'Hare
Last night was exciting times for Hope Cottage.  Local television host, Leslie O'Hare interviewed two Hope Cottage staff members for her show, The Leslie O'Hare Show.  We talked about adoption and the myths surrounding it.  She also asked us about adoption costs

As exciting as it was to be interviewed, the icing on the cake was one of the audience members coming up to introduce himself and telling us he was a Hope Baby! 

We'll let you know when the piece airs.  In the meantime, we are working on our Oscar acceptance speeches!

Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.

If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.

If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Resource Thursday- February 17, 2011

Every Thursday, Hope Cottage shares resources for parents, adoptive or otherwise.  Enjoy and feel free to leave your comments and suggestions - we must just include them in a future post!

You made it through the first 8 – 10 months with your baby. Congratulations! You’re starting to feel a sense of growing confidence in this parenting thing – your baby has become more predictable, and she’s a lot of fun, too.  She isn’t tiny anymore – she can crawl, sit in her high chair, and explore around the house. But wait a second – she’s fussing and clinging a lot all of a sudden, plus she’s been waking more at night again. “She must be sick!” you think. But her doctor checks her out – and gives her a clean bill of health. No, it’s not her teeth or her ears. It’s her brain – growing in leaps and bounds.  Click here to read more about "Why Normal Babies Cling and Fuss" from Health Tap Blog.

"How Stress Affects Our Children".  Read what Dr. Michelle Borba has to say on the subject on her blog. 

Homework Hassles - How to Minimize Them from 

The Pain of Playdate Parenting:  Disciplining your kids is challenging; disciplining your kids' friends is a headache waiting to happen.

Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.

If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.

If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

An Adoption Story

Shannon Hills adopted her daughter from Hope Cottage in 2009.  She recently shared her story with us. 

Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.

If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.

If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Picture Tuesday - February 15, 2011

The Front Porch

Every Tuesday is Picture Day at the Hope Cottage Blog.  This week's pictures offer a view from The Front Porch.  The front porch was very important at Hope Cottage.  All the time we were at our baby cottage on Welborn Street in Dallas, we would open the door and yes, there would be a baby on the front porch in a basket, with a little note pinned to his/her that said "please find my baby a good home."  Just like in the movies.  So, enjoy some pictures from the front porch at Hope Cottage!

Hope Cottage could accomodate 50 children at one time.  When all the beds were full, we put up a sign that said "No More Babies Taken".  When a bed opened up, the sign came down.  Of course, if someone left an infant, that baby was taken in, regardless of what the sign said.

An early resident enjoys fun in the sun

Hope Cottage nurse with her young charges

Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.

If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.

If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Resource Thursday - February 10, 2011

Each Thursday, Hope Cottage - Dallas' oldest nonprofit, nonsectarian adoption agency, shares resources for parents and families - especially those families made through adoption. We hope you find these offerings beneficial. If you have a resource to share or suggest, e-mail it to Leslie Clay, Chief Development Officer at Your Toddler the Opportunity to Experience Competence

     Resarch has shown that toddlers tantrum less and cooperate more when they feel more powerful. There are three key ways you can help your toddler experience herself as a person with healthy power in the world:

      1.Listen to her.
      2.Let her make choices whenever possible.
      3.Give her the opportunity to experience competence.

     It may sound odd, but toddlers need daily experience with work to start thinking of themselves as competent people. Not burdensome work, but rather work in the spirit of Maria Montessori, or Tom Sawyer, who turned white-washing a fence into a reward.
     Start with ordinary household tasks, not because he can really help you at this point -- he may well make a mess. But consider the benefits:
     •Toddlers are fascinated by household tasks because they see you -- their heroine - doing them. They WANT to help.
     •Your budding scientist uses ordinary life to figure out how the world works.
     •You're doing the work anyway, so you can help them and bond over the task. They love being
      with you and this counts as quality time!
     •They're constructively occupied.
     •They're gaining skills for the future; it's educational.

What kinds of household tasks?
     •Making themselves a snack, such as peeling fruit or an egg, or slicing soft cheese and
      making sandwiches with crackers.
     •Helping wash pots and pans or other unbreakable dishes.
     •Pairing the socks as you fold clothes.
     •Picking out fruit at the grocery store.
     •Washing the table or floor.

The end result? Your toddler says "I did it!" and begins to think of herself -- and to become -- a more capable, powerful person. And you get a more delightful toddler.

Source:  Dr. Laura Markham     Aha!

Did you know The flu virus can live up to 8 hours on surfaces. Wash your hands with soap and warm water frequently or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.

If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.

If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hope Cottage Staff Feature - Meet Michelle Osborne

Michelle Osborne
At some point, most callers to Hope Cottage have the pleasure of "meeting" Administrative Assistant and Volunteer Coordinator, Michelle Osborne.

Michelle has been with Hope Cottage since February 2006 and is an indispensable part of the team.  She assists both the CEO  and the Chief Development Officer, prepares grant submissions, maintains the agency website and donor database, coordinates the agency donor acknowledgement process, assists on Special Events and the ever ubiquitous "and other duties as assigned".

Most of her time away from Hope Cottage is taken up by working with her magician and illusionist husband, Paul, on their production company and mail order company.  When she does have a spare moment, she enjoys cooking and reading.  Michelle and Paul are quite the animal lovers.  Their menagerie includes two dogs, three indoor cats, two aquatic frogs, seven doves and however many neighborhood cats show up every day.

"We could not do our jobs at Hope Cottage without Michelle.", says Chief Development Officer Leslie Clay.  "Her long tenure with the agency is invaluable.  Her thorough knowledge of  the history of the organization is crucial to developing and nurturing relationships with our supporters.  We could not function without her."

Michelle says this about her job:  "I have two favorite things about my job at Hope Cottage.  I have always been impressed with the staff and their dedication to the work they are doing.  Ever since I have been here, Hope Cottage has been staffed by people who sincerely want to help our clients, both birth moms and adoptive parents, make the decision that is the best one for them and consequently, the child.  The second thing I like about my job is that I have the opportunity to learn new things.  I have always felt  the very best way to learn anything is to jump in with both feet and just do it.  Learn from your mistakes and go on.  It keeps your brain flexible and you have a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.  With a relatively small staff, our jobs keep morphing in order to cover the essentials.  There really is no set routine and boredom is not a problem." 

Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.

If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.

If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Picture Tuesday - February 8, 2011

Snow Babies

Last week Dallas had an unprecendented four days of snowy, wet weather which found many of us stuck inside.  In honor of the winter weather past and future (coming to you locally on Wednesday night!), Hope Cottage presents some of our very own snowbabies. 

Chloe is enjoying her first time to play in the snow.  Her mother says Chloe had lots of fun, but being the true Texas gal she is, she didn't like the cold for too long!

And from our archives -  early Hope Snow Babies!

Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.

If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.

If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.

Friday, February 4, 2011

In Honor of Snowmageddon February 2011

Happy Snow Days from
Hope Cottage!

 Hope Baby Circa 1920's

Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.

If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.

If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Resource Thursday - February 3, 2011

Each Thursday, Hope Cottage - Dallas' oldest nonprofit, nonsectarian adoption agency, shares resources for parents and families - especially those families made through adoption.  We hope you find these offerings beneficial.  If you have a resource to share or suggest, e-mail it to Leslie Clay, Chief Development Officer at

New Year's Resolutions for Parents
     It's never too late to make a resolution for the year.  She Knows Parenting website offers these 

From the 60 Second Parent - February 1, 2011 issue.  Food for thought. 

True Confessions and Adoption Angst
     One mother shares about her first post adoption meeting with the birthfamily. 

An article on Collaborative Problem Solving

Parenting Strategies When Bad Things Happen — Talking To Preschoolers About Tragedies

Learn more about Avoiding Mom Burnout.

Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.

If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.

If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I Want to Help....Eight Things You Can Do...

I don't have alot of money to give.  Those of us who fundraise for nonprofits hear those words - ALOT.  What most people don't realize is that you can make a difference without spending a dime.  But how?

I can't speak for other nonprofits, but here at Hope Cottage we have a whole list of things you can do that won't cost you a dime.  Check these out or ask your favorite nonprofit what they need!

1.  Join the mailing list.  To receive the Hope Cottage e-newsletters email and type "Sign Me Up" in the subject line.

2.  Follow the Hope Cottage blog.

3.  Ask Hope Cottage to make a presentation at your office, civic club, networking group, alumni association or house of worship.

4.  Use as your search engine and indicate that you "search" for Hope Cottage.  Hope Cottage receives $.01 for every internet search you make, at no cost to you.

5.  Join the Hope Cottage Facebook Fanpage.

6.  Use when you shop on the internet.  Indicate you "shop" for Hope Cottage and participating vendors will donate a percentage of your purchae to Hope Cottage, at no cost to you.

7.  Link your Tom Thumb or Randalls Reward Card to Hope Cottage using the Good Neighbor Number 534.  Every time you shop, they will donate a percentage of your purchase to Hope Cottage.  If you shop at Kroger, contact us and we will get you a card that will get a portion of your purchase donated back to Hope Cottage. 

8.  Follow LeslieatHope and HelpatHope on Twitter. 

Most of all you can VOLUNTEER.  The state of Texas values one hour of volunteer time at $20.  So every hour you volunteer, you have essentially given $20 (though you can't write that off on your taxes!)

So go forth and make a difference without denting your pocketbook!

Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.

If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.

If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Picture Tuesday - February 1, 2011 - Snooze Fest!

Every Tuesday the Hope Cottage blogs features pictures of our Hope Babies and Hope Families.  Want to submit your photo?  E-mail Chief Development Officer, Leslie Clay at

Naps.  Who doesn't love a good nap.  Enjoy a few pictures of sleeping Hope Babies - aren't they precious?


