Thursday, January 13, 2011

Resource Thursday

Every Thursday Hope Cottage, Dallas' oldest nonprofit, nonsectarian adoption agency, posts resources of interest to adoptive families and those families who are waiting to adopt.  Please feel free to suggest resources for future postings and share this information with your friends.  Suggested resources can be e-mailed to

From The Adoption News

Financial Planning 

     As the New Year becomes a reality, those adopting should consider some specific financial planning for the wonderful event. Click here to read the rest of the article. 

Plan your 2010 Taxes now

       This year there are some great tax credits for adopting that you might want to consider.  However, you should always check with your CPA for befits structured to your individual situation.  Click here to read the rest of the article.

Post Adoption Depression
     Can someone have depression at such a wonderful time as getting your dream child?  Yes.   Click here to read the rest of the article. 

From Carried In My Heart

Adoption and the Stages of Development

     Now that you have adopted a child and life is beginning to settle down, you may find your thoughts moving to the future. When shall I tell my child that s/he is adopted? How will s/he feel about it? At what point will s/he want more information? What will s/he want to know from me? How can I help my child feel comfortable about being adopted?  Click here to read the rest of the article.

Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.

If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.

If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.

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