Hope Cottage is the oldest non-profit, non-sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 more than 12,000 children have found loving, permanent homes and more than 30,000 women, children and their families have been strengthened through education, counseling and adoption services.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
You are Not Alone: Coping with Mother's Day
To someone waiting to adopt Mother's Day can be the cruelest day of the year. Mothers, Mothers everywhere, but at your house! You can't get away from them. If you attend a house of worship it can even be worse. There you sit...aching in your heart to be a mom...while all around you other women are honored by their families and the worship leaders. Oldest Mom, Youngest Mom, Mom with the Most Children - all receiving special attention... and yet, you sit alone in your pew, heart breaking, tears flowing. Yearning. To wear that orchid corsage. To be served a breakfast in bed of burnt toast, lumpy oatmeal and smiles from your family. To go out to lunch and smile a smile of comraderie with the other moms. The smile that says "we are all members of the same club. Solidarity sister."
What can you do? How do you get through this day? Nothing can take your pain away, but these suggestions might help you get through the day.
1. Make the focus of the day honoring your own mother.
2. Acknowledge how you feel and know that it is OK. And feel free to express those feelings.
3. Make a choice as to how YOU will spend your day. If you don't want to be around a large family gathering full of children, don't force yourself to do so.
4. Change your environment. Maybe even take a trip or do something that day you wouldn't normally do.
5. Pamper yourself.
6. Know that you are not alone.
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Picture Tuesday - Seeing Double
Every Tuesday, Hope Cottage, Dallas' oldest nonprofit, nonsectarian adoption agency shares pictures from its 93 year history. Today we are seeing double! Enjoy our twins pictures.
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From 1933 Same twins - 1934 Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services. If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721. If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546. |
Picture Tuesday - In the Looking Glass
Every Tuesday, Hope Cottage shares pictures from its 93 year history. Photographers will take pictures of children using the reflective devices of a mirror for a unique perspective. Here is one of our Hope Babies as seen "in the looking glass".
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
What Is Open Adoption
Hope Cottage's Jennifer Terry explains open adoption.
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Picture Tuesday - We Love Our Animals
Every Tuesday, Hope Cottage shares pictures from our 93 year history. Today we share Hope Babies with their animals. Do you have a picture of your Hope Baby with their favorite animal? Email to lclay@hopecottage.org and we will post in a future blog!
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Resource Thursday - Music and Your Toddler
Continuing from last week in our blog series on Music and Your Child, this week we are sharing resources for music and your toddler (ages 4-6).
When their children are 4 or 5 many parents wonder if this is a good age for starting instrumental (piano, violin) lessons for their child. Most teachers will tell you the best time to start lessons for a child is when he or she ASKS! Nothing is ever more frustrating than a daily battle with your child over practice sessions. Wait until your child expresses an interest and that is half the battle!
Toddlers love music. They will sing, they will make up songs. There small and large motor skills can be enhanced by music. Sing your favorite song while you march around the room. Use songs with handmotions like "The Itsy Bitsy Spider".
You can make a drum out of an empty oatmeal container. Put dried beans on a paper plate, top with another paper plate and staple the edges shut - you have a tambourine. Place a piece of tissue paper over a comb and you have a kazoo.
For more reading on the subject try these articles
Music and Your Toddler
Music and Your Toddler or Preschooler
Helping Your Toddler Tune Into Music
Introducing Your Toddler to Music
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
When their children are 4 or 5 many parents wonder if this is a good age for starting instrumental (piano, violin) lessons for their child. Most teachers will tell you the best time to start lessons for a child is when he or she ASKS! Nothing is ever more frustrating than a daily battle with your child over practice sessions. Wait until your child expresses an interest and that is half the battle!
Toddlers love music. They will sing, they will make up songs. There small and large motor skills can be enhanced by music. Sing your favorite song while you march around the room. Use songs with handmotions like "The Itsy Bitsy Spider".
You can make a drum out of an empty oatmeal container. Put dried beans on a paper plate, top with another paper plate and staple the edges shut - you have a tambourine. Place a piece of tissue paper over a comb and you have a kazoo.
For more reading on the subject try these articles
Music and Your Toddler
Music and Your Toddler or Preschooler
Helping Your Toddler Tune Into Music
Introducing Your Toddler to Music
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Meet the Hope Cottage Staff - Nicole Mahanay
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Nicole Mahanay, MSSW |
Nicole received her BSW (Bachelor of Social Work) in 2007 from Harding University and her MSW (Master's in Social Work) from University of Texas-Arlington. She says she enjoyed her internship so much she gladly accepted our job offer.
This is Nicole's first job in adoption, but not her first experience with adoption. Were it not for adoption Nicole points out, family gatherings would consist of her grandparents, parents, sister and herself. However, because Nicole's grandparents adopted five children, family gatherings are epic. On her father's side she as twenty three first cousins. This adoption story always fascinated Nicole and shaped her decision to choose a career in Social Work so she could help build other families.
In what little spare time she has, Nicole likes to cook, read, spend time outdoors and spend time with family and friends. Nicole recently relocated to Dallas from her home town of Burleson and is enjoying exploring all that Dallas has to offer.
When Nicole was six she wanted to be a ballerina, a gymnast, and a chef. Now that she is older here are a few items on her bucket list: learn to play the violin, go to New Zealand, and to open a restaurant/bed and breakfast when I retire.
Of her work here at Hope Cottage, Nicole says " I truly enjoy working with the families who come to Hope Cottage seeking to adopt a child. It takes a very special person to be an adoptive parent and I enjoy being a part of that process."
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Picture Tuesday - Pony Rides
Back in the 1930's, photographers used to come around and offer to take your child's picture posed on a horse, thus the inspiration for today's Picture Tuesday Post. Hope Babies on Horseback!
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Resource Thursday - Music and Your Infant
Before we go any further, I need to tell you that your author is a musician and has been since she began playing piano at the age of five. She is adamant about the importance of music in your child's life. "But I can't sing/play an instrument/I don't LIKE classical music" you say. No excuses. You do not have to be a musician to help your child appreciate music and yes, good music has been written since Bach and Beethoven roamed the earth.
Did you know that what you learn by singing stays with you longer? Hint: The ABC's song. Admit it - when you have to alphabetize, you sing that song to yourself! And those of you who had to memorize all the books of the Old and New Testament - tell me you don't hum that ditty when you are trying to find Hezekiah (hint - it's in the Old Testament).
Besides - music is fun! And music should begin immediately with your infant. Did you know that spoken word is music? It has rhythm. The pitch in your voice changes.
Babycenter.com lays out these benefits for your child of a life full of music:
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Babycenter.com lays out these benefits for your child of a life full of music:
- Lullabies can help soothe a fussy child
- Music may help strengthen preemies
- It helps you bond with your child over a shared experience
- Gently clap your baby's hands together as your recite a nursery rhyme like "Jack Be Nimble".
- Sing as you rock your baby to sleep while gently patting their back in time to the music.
- Play kid's songs in the car - ok, you may get a little tired of the repetition, but your child won't. Sing along. It doesn't have to be "good" - be enthusiastic. Once your baby sees your enjoyment, he/she will enjoy the experience.
- Once your child can sit up, help them "beat" on a box in rhythm to a song or nursery rhyme.
- Sing a song to go along with normal every day activities. Remember these classics: The Wheels on the Bus, This Is The Way We Wash Our Hands and This Little Piggy.
What are your favorite musical activities with your baby? Tune in next week when Resource Thursday will discuss Music and Your Toddler.
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Meet the Hope Cottage Staff - Logan Rosenberg
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Logan Rosenberg, LCSW |
Logan was drawn to Social Work by her desire to help people and says the best part of her job is being able to help make families.
You should know that Logan makes some AMAZING cupcakes. The Hope Cottage staff make a mad dash to the kitchen when she brings in her treats to share.
BTW - when Logan was six she had career aspirations to be a purple crayon. Maybe she read Harold and the Purple Crayon over and over!
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Picture Tuesday - In the News
This picture ran in the now defunct Dallas Times Herald in 1946. Enjoy!
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
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