Tuesday, November 1, 2011

We've Moved!

You might have been wondering just where the Hope Cottage Blog has been.  Over the past couple of months, we have been busily working to update our webpage.  Between that project and our Friends of deVille Golf Tournament, we haven't had time to blog! 

But we are back, however, the Hope Cottage blog has a new home.  Our blog is now hosted on our website at www.hopecottage.org/blog.  Thanks for following us and visit us at our new home and read our November posts - 30 Days of Gratitude. 


HopeCottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.

If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721. 
If you are a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546