Every Thursday, Hope Cottage, Dallas' oldest nonprofit, nonsectarian adoption agency, shares through its blog resources of interest to parents, especially those in the adoption community. We hope you find our offerings beneficial and don't be afraid to suggest other resources for us to check out! Send your suggestions to Chief Development Officer, Leslie Clay at lclay@hopecottage.org.
USDA announces new nutrition standards for school lunch program
As part of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act, the USDA was required to release new nutrition standards for all schools participating in the government sponsored school meal programs. Click here to read the rest of the article.
Here is an article from Adoptive Families about bonding with your child.
How do you honor your child's birthparents? Adoptive Families readers share their traditions and suggestions. Click here to read.
Sue Atkins shares How To Say Not to Your Child With Confidence on her parenting blog.
What about adoptees using social media to find birthfamilies? Click here to read more.
Gary Brannigan writes on Reading Disabilities: The Make or Break Grade.
Click here to read more about the benefits of adopting from Foster Care.
And always remember: Read on Twitter from @kelligirl - Always check for dirty diaper before putting a child on your shoulders! Nothing that toxic should be that close to your face!
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Hope Cottage is the oldest non-profit, non-sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 more than 12,000 children have found loving, permanent homes and more than 30,000 women, children and their families have been strengthened through education, counseling and adoption services.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Hope Baby Immortalizes Tom Landry
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Shannon Kincaid |
P.S. Shannon's adoption story was published in an earlier blog. Her birth parents reunited and married after Shannon established contact with them as an adult.
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Tom Landry |
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The Famous Fedora |
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Closeup of Tom Landry's face |
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, nonsectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918, Hope Cottage has been finding permanent, loving homes for children.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Picture Tuesday - January 24, 2011
Every Tuesday Hope Cottage (Dallas' oldest nonprofit, nonsectarian adoption agency) shares pictures from its files. This week's pictures are from Jacob Hinckley's Eagle Scout project. Jacob and his fellow scouts built two benches and finished out the Hope Cottage Memorial Garden at our offices. Thanks Scouts!
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Resource Thursday from Hope Cottage
Every Thursday the Hope Cottage, Dallas' oldest nonprofit, nonsectarian adoption agency, blog features resources we think will interest adoptive parents, our Hope Cottage Families and parents in general. Enjoy!
From the January 17th issue of the Family and Parenting Daily. Here is the link - several good articles. http://paper.li/famparenttips/fpt-favs
Check out The Family Peacemaking Daily
Considering a pet? Check out this post about best pets for children.
Here is an article on Sensory Integration with additional resources at the end of the article.
Suggestions for talking about adoption with your child.
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
From the January 17th issue of the Family and Parenting Daily. Here is the link - several good articles. http://paper.li/famparenttips/fpt-favs
Check out The Family Peacemaking Daily
Considering a pet? Check out this post about best pets for children.
Here is an article on Sensory Integration with additional resources at the end of the article.
Suggestions for talking about adoption with your child.
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Hope Cottage Staff Feature
Each month on the Hope Cottage blog, we will feature a Staff Member so you can get to know us better. One of the first voices you hear when you call Hope Cottage belongs to the newest member of your adoption team, Christine Wright. A recent transplant from Chicago, Christine provides administrative support to the clinical staff (our social workers), making her a very valuable member of the team. She doesn't have a favorite food, but finds sweets a hard to resist temptation. In her free time she likes to read and spend time with her two children. Christine holds a BS in Psychology and has two years experience in adoption and 10 years experience in social services. She has this to say about her job: "I loved my first experience working in adoption while I lived in Illinois. The joy was seeing the expressons on parents' faces when they were blessed with a new addition to their family and being a part of the process. I came to Hope Cottage in hopes of working in adoption again. Hope Cottage has offered me a greater learning opportunity to have a more in depth look into the process, from intake to finalization."
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Picture Tuesday - We Love Our Pets
Kids and their pets - like the trike, for many children a rite of passage. You usually begged and pleaded and promised the moon - well, at least that you would feed it, walk it, clean up ALL it's messes if only, please Mom and Dad, if only I could have a _______________ (fill in the blank - cat, dog, hamster, rat, ferret...)
Enjoy some pictures of our Hope Babies with their pets. And if you have a picture of a Hope Baby with their pet, e-mail it to lclay@hopecottage.org. We will include it in a future post!
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Enjoy some pictures of our Hope Babies with their pets. And if you have a picture of a Hope Baby with their pet, e-mail it to lclay@hopecottage.org. We will include it in a future post!
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Resource Thursday
Every Thursday Hope Cottage, Dallas' oldest nonprofit, nonsectarian adoption agency, posts resources of interest to adoptive families and those families who are waiting to adopt. Please feel free to suggest resources for future postings and share this information with your friends. Suggested resources can be e-mailed to lclay@hopecottage.org.
From The Adoption News
Financial Planning
As the New Year becomes a reality, those adopting should consider some specific financial planning for the wonderful event. Click here to read the rest of the article.
Plan your 2010 Taxes now
This year there are some great tax credits for adopting that you might want to consider. However, you should always check with your CPA for befits structured to your individual situation. Click here to read the rest of the article.
Post Adoption Depression
Can someone have depression at such a wonderful time as getting your dream child? Yes. Click here to read the rest of the article.
From Carried In My Heart
Adoption and the Stages of Development
Now that you have adopted a child and life is beginning to settle down, you may find your thoughts moving to the future. When shall I tell my child that s/he is adopted? How will s/he feel about it? At what point will s/he want more information? What will s/he want to know from me? How can I help my child feel comfortable about being adopted? Click here to read the rest of the article.
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
From The Adoption News
Financial Planning
As the New Year becomes a reality, those adopting should consider some specific financial planning for the wonderful event. Click here to read the rest of the article.
Plan your 2010 Taxes now
This year there are some great tax credits for adopting that you might want to consider. However, you should always check with your CPA for befits structured to your individual situation. Click here to read the rest of the article.
Post Adoption Depression
Can someone have depression at such a wonderful time as getting your dream child? Yes. Click here to read the rest of the article.
From Carried In My Heart
Adoption and the Stages of Development
Now that you have adopted a child and life is beginning to settle down, you may find your thoughts moving to the future. When shall I tell my child that s/he is adopted? How will s/he feel about it? At what point will s/he want more information? What will s/he want to know from me? How can I help my child feel comfortable about being adopted? Click here to read the rest of the article.
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Picture Tuesday - Tykes on Trikes
Getting a trike seems to be a rite of passage for American children. Now days they are less metal trike and more plastic Big Wheels, but the goal is still the same - peddle down that sidewalk as fast as your little legs will carry you. For the first time you are free - especially if your parent has trouble keeping up. It's just you, the open road and the wind in your hair. You are on a great adventure and nothing can stop you. Enjoy some of our Hope Babies on their trikes.

P.S. Would you like to share a picture of your Hope Baby on his/her trike? E-mail your picture to lclay@hopecottage.org and we will add the picture(s) to our blog!
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Welcome to Resource Thursday
As mentioned in our Tuesday post, Thursday is now something special on the Hope Cottage blog - Resource Thursday. Nothing fancy - just a list of articles you might find interesting and helpful. Please feel free to suggest topics! Click on the title to be taken to the article.
The Top Ten Things NOT to Ask An Adoptive Parent
Don't Let Family Dinner Be MIA In Your Home
From Open Adoption Support, a parent asks advice on gifting a birthmother on the child's birthday.
National Adoption Day footage from New Orleans Saints game
6 Questions Every Adopted Teen Wants Answered
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
The Top Ten Things NOT to Ask An Adoptive Parent
Don't Let Family Dinner Be MIA In Your Home
From Open Adoption Support, a parent asks advice on gifting a birthmother on the child's birthday.
National Adoption Day footage from New Orleans Saints game
6 Questions Every Adopted Teen Wants Answered
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
New Year - New Stuff
It is a new year here at Hope Cottage and like everyone, we have new goals and ideas, many of which will be reflected here in our blog. First one out of the gate will be our new Picture Day. Every Tuesday, we will post pictures from Hope Cottage - they might be pictures from our long history, they might be pictures we took yesterday, but every Tuesday will be Picture Day at Hope Cottage, so check back every week to see what is new.
It is only fitting that we start the year off with a picture of our founder Emma Wylie Ballard. Now Picture Day won't normally include an article, but her story is an interesting one. At the time she founded Hope Cottage, Mrs. Ballard worked for the Dallas County Humane Society. That was when the Humane Society dealt with people instead of cats, rats, dogs and ferrets. ( I would be remiss if I didn't mention that all of the following information came from Daughters of Dallas by Vivian Anderson Castleberry. To read more about Ms. Castleberry, click here and here and here.)
Emma was born January 10, 1865 in Memphis Tennessee. Her father was an attorney. She married John M. Ballard after she moved to Dallas. She and Mr. Ballard had two children, but he died early and she was left as a single parent. She was a charter member of the YWCA and the Women's Christian Temperance Union, an officer in the Professional Women's Club and other charitable organizations.
She first worked with United Charities and then spent five and a half years at the Dallas County Juvenile Court where she was instrumental in setting up the first Dallas County Detention Home for dependent children and the Dallas County Industrial Home for delinquent girls at Elam. (Aside: I think Ms. Ballard would be mighty proud of Hope Cottage's recent funding from the Office of the Governor, Juvenile Justice Division. Click here to read more about that.) Later she became Child Welfare Director of the Dallas Humane Society, working for the well-being of the children of Dallas. It was during this time that she realized that Dallas needed to do something about the number of children that were being abandoned in the streets. The result was Hope Cottage which opened its doors on June 23, 1918. Within two weeks, Hope Cottage had outgrown its facility and was looking for a new home!
On behalf of the more than 7,000 children who have found permanent, loving homes during the past 93 years, THANK YOU Emma Wylie Ballard.
Keep coming back every Tuesday for more pictures AND something new is coming your way on Thursdays also!
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
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Emma Wylie Ballard |
Emma was born January 10, 1865 in Memphis Tennessee. Her father was an attorney. She married John M. Ballard after she moved to Dallas. She and Mr. Ballard had two children, but he died early and she was left as a single parent. She was a charter member of the YWCA and the Women's Christian Temperance Union, an officer in the Professional Women's Club and other charitable organizations.
She first worked with United Charities and then spent five and a half years at the Dallas County Juvenile Court where she was instrumental in setting up the first Dallas County Detention Home for dependent children and the Dallas County Industrial Home for delinquent girls at Elam. (Aside: I think Ms. Ballard would be mighty proud of Hope Cottage's recent funding from the Office of the Governor, Juvenile Justice Division. Click here to read more about that.) Later she became Child Welfare Director of the Dallas Humane Society, working for the well-being of the children of Dallas. It was during this time that she realized that Dallas needed to do something about the number of children that were being abandoned in the streets. The result was Hope Cottage which opened its doors on June 23, 1918. Within two weeks, Hope Cottage had outgrown its facility and was looking for a new home!
On behalf of the more than 7,000 children who have found permanent, loving homes during the past 93 years, THANK YOU Emma Wylie Ballard.
Keep coming back every Tuesday for more pictures AND something new is coming your way on Thursdays also!
Hope Cottage is the oldest nonprofit, non sectarian adoption agency in Dallas. Since 1918 Hope Cottage has been building and nurturing strong families through counseling, education and adoption services.
If you have questions about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 214.526.8721.
If you are a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy and would like to talk to someone about adoption, please call Hope Cottage at 1.800.944.4464 or 214.404.4546.
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